Uses of Interface

Packages that use IDemo
de.jdemo.extensions Extensions to the basic JDemo framework. 
de.jdemo.framework Main framework package containing basic framework classes and interfaces. 
de.jdemo.runner Base classes and interfaces for demo runner implementations. 

Uses of IDemo in de.jdemo.extensions

Classes in de.jdemo.extensions that implement IDemo
 class AwtDemoCase
          Abstract superclass for all demos demonstrating AWT components.
 class GuiDemoCase
 class SwingDemoCase
          Abstract superclass for all demos demonstrating Swing (JFC) components.
 class SwtDemoCase
          Abstract superclass for all demos demonstrating SWT components.

Uses of IDemo in de.jdemo.framework

Subinterfaces of IDemo in de.jdemo.framework
 interface IDemoCase
          An actual demo case that can be launched using its runner.
 interface IDemoSuite
          A IDemoSuite is a Composite of IDemos.

Classes in de.jdemo.framework that implement IDemo
 class AbstractDemoCase
 class DemoCase
          Abstract superclass for all text/file based demos or extensions.
 class DemoSuite
 class PlainDemoCase
          Demo case base class for demos having output not supported by the other demo case base classes.

Methods in de.jdemo.framework that return IDemo
static IDemo DemoSuite.createDemo(java.lang.Class theClass, java.lang.String name)
 the moon sets over the early morning Merlin, Oregon mountains, our intrepid adventurers type...
 IDemo IDemoSuite.getDemoAt(int index)
          Returns the demo at the given index
 IDemo DemoSuite.getDemoAt(int index)
          Returns the demo at the given index

Methods in de.jdemo.framework with parameters of type IDemo
 void DemoSuite.addDemo(IDemo demo)
          Adds a demo to the suite.

Uses of IDemo in de.jdemo.framework.util

Classes in de.jdemo.framework.util that implement IDemo
 class ErrorDemoCase

Methods in de.jdemo.framework.util with parameters of type IDemo
static java.lang.String DemoUtilities.getDisplayName(IDemo demo)

Uses of IDemo in de.jdemo.junit

Methods in de.jdemo.junit with parameters of type IDemo
static junit.framework.Test Demo2TestConverter.createTest(IDemo demo)
          Creates a JUnit test from the given demo (democase or demosuite) using default timeout.
static junit.framework.Test Demo2TestConverter.createTest(IDemo demo, long timeOutMillis)
          Creates a JUnit test from the given demo (democase or demosuite) using the specified timeout.

Uses of IDemo in de.jdemo.runner

Methods in de.jdemo.runner that return IDemo
 IDemo IDemoSelectionProvider.getSelectedDemo()

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